As a tenant you will have to ensure that when you leave your leased space you will have the responsibility to carry out any repairs and re- instate any alterations and decorations you have made in your time in the space.

We undertake all dilapidation works including:

Reinstatements - All partition walls, signage, flooring, security systems and wall coverings wil be reinstated in line with the Landlords scedule of works

Redecorations - All walls, skirtings, window reveals, cills and ceilings will be preped and decorated to the landlords specification.

Repairs - All floors, walls, ceilings and building works undertaken prior reinstatement of original features.

Cleaning - Ground up cleaning of floors, skirtings, walls, surfaces, glazing, internal doors and light fixtures.

Compliance with Statute - All test certificates brought up to date, including fire systems, Air conditioning servicing certificates and electrical testing certificates.